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Artist: Prisoners
Title: In From The Cold
Format: CD
Catalog Number:221
Barcode:029667422123 itemnumber=1000016787
Price: $12.98  (All prices include domestic shipping.)
Genre: ROCK
Release Date: 10/4/2002
Availability: Not Currently In Stock
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This very hard-to-find album is available for the first time on CD and features four bonus tracks. The music is a fine mixture of the band's fire, '60s influences and Graham Day's magnificent song writing. Also included is the band's swan-song recording "Pop Star Party" which was recorded as a parting shot aimed at Stiff Records. Since the band split they have been acknowledged as one of the unknown greats of the '80s, with the likes of the Charlatans' Tim Burgess and Radio One's Steve Lamacq citing them as crucial influences on their own musical tastes.

Additional Technical Information Available For This Album
Release Format: CD         
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This page was last updated: 09/20/24