The Peter Erskine New Trio represents the latest evolution in Peter's musical journey exploring the more intimate realms of improvised music. Pianist and arranger Vardan Ovsepian may prove to be the hottest jazz keyboard discovery in a long time, while electric bassist Damian Erskine (Peter's nephew) brings new luster to the family name. With gorgeous graphics by designer Bob Smith, "Joy Luck" is a joy to behold and hear. The album sports originals, plus covers of tunes by Vince Mendoza, Bob James and Jerry Goldsmith. The album's single is "Joy Luck Club," penned by Peter and it features all three players, including Erskine's marimba-playing debut! Like other Fuzzy Music releases, the audio quality is superb and the music is fresh. While the esthetic standard is uncompromising, this will prove to be one of the more listener-friendly Fuzzy titles.