From around America they came, from Massachusetts (Lateef), northern California (Mitchell), southern California (Rudolph), from Minnesota (Ewart), they gathered in Minneapolis to play together for the first time, in this concert. Are you surprised to discover ex-Detroiter Lateef improvising along with three leading ex-Chicago free spirits? "He has such a wide musical spectrum and a musical vision," says Ewart. "His vision is inclusive, not exclusive-he welcomes younger musicians and other visions," and Rudolph emphasizes Lateef's "deep feeling and spiritual awareness." Of course, these Chicagoans are musical globetrotters themselves.
Like Lateef, all three have worked with African musicians, plus Jamaica-born Ewart has also studied flutes in Japan and Australia and Adam Rudolph has lived in West Africa and studied North Indian percussion. All four have so much to share, to inspire each other-there are no barriers.