1. Lucille - The Pagans
2. Without Love (Second Version) - The Corvettes
3. Cheating On Me - The Midnights
4. This Is The End Of Love - The Klixs
5. Morrine - The 5 Campbells
6. Whole Lot Of Love - The Rovers
7. Angel In My Heart - The Holidays
8. Sherry - Jimmy Cicero With The Five Crystels
9. Lil Dream Girl - The Gaylarks
10. My Greatest Sin - The Gaylarks
11. What Will The Outcome Be - Al Lewis & Modernistic
12. Down By The River - The Gayteens
13. Down To The Sea A Cappella - The 5 Rovers
14. I’ll Wait For You - The Dialtones
15. Sunday - Joe Blackwell & The Individuals
16. No Other Way Around - The Midnights
17. Heaven’s Own Choir - The Five Crystels
18. Your True Love Is Standing By - Wanda Burt & Crescendos
19. I’m Traveling Light - The 5 Lyrics
20. Church On The Hill - The Gaylarks W/John Heartsman Band
21. Station L-O-V-E - The Holidays
22. I’m Coming Over To You - The Girls
23. So Hard To Please (A Cappella) - The Marcels
24. Forever And A Day (A Cappella) - The Idols
25. All The Days Of My Life - The Chantels
26. Church On The Hill Tk1 - Bob & Jessie
27. Church On The Hill Tk2 - Bob & Jessie
28. There’s A Girl - The Italics
29. Elaine - The Klixs
30. Our Love Is Here To Stay - The Klixs
31. The Trial - The Pagans
32. Down To The Sea - The 5 Rovers
33. Path Of Broken Hearts - The Five Crystels
34. Lonely One - The Derbys
35. Sugar Plum - The Treniers
36. So Hard To Please - The Marcels
37. Last Date - The Crescendos
38. Why-Ohh - The Rovers
39. Peace Of Mind - The Creations
40. Happy Birthday Baby (A Cappella) - The Derbys
41. That’s Why I Love You So (A Cappella) - Curtis Payne & Group
42. Ten Commandments Of Love (A Cappella) - The Five Crystels
43. Salute To Johnny Ace - The Rovers
44. Warm Love - The Midnights?
45. Teenage Prayer - The Crescendos
46. Ps My Darling - The Holidays
47. Your Eyes - The Echotones
48. I Feel So Blue - The Italics
49. Wait For Me (A Cappella) - The Marcels
50. Desiree - Unk Vocal Group