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Records Searched=18550
Loose Matches: 25
Records with at least one matched search field: 18509
Two matches: 25
Three matches: 0
Records Searched=18550
Matches: 25
Two matches: 25
Three matches: 0
0 - 25
Cover |
Title |
Artist Name |
Fmt |
Price |
[42] Blues In The Night
(Limited Stock)
Hodes, Art |
CS |
[42] Glad To Be Here
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Mostly Blues - Piano Solos
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art Hodes At The Cafe Des Copains
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] The Duets
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Parlor Special, 1951
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Recollections From The Past
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art Hodes Recollections Vol. 1
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Vintage Art Hodes
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art Hodes All Time All Stars
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art Hodes Jazz Trio
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] The Art Hodes Trio
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Midnight Blue
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Trio & Quartets
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Apex Blues
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] The Jazz Record Story
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Echoes Of Chicago
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Home Cookin': Art Hodes Jazz Four Plus Two
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art For Art's Sake
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] Art Hodes' All Star Stompers
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] & The Magnolia Jazz Band Vol. 2
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[42] & The Magnolia Jazz Band Vol. 1
Hodes, Art |
CD |
[29] Indianapolis Concert
Hodes, Art Guy, Herb |
CD |
[29] Davison/hodes Coalition
Davison, "wild Bill" Hodes, Art |
CD |
[29] George "pops" Foster With Art Hodes
Foster, George "pops" Hodes, Art |
CD |
Loose Matches: 25: Showing: 0 - 25
All text and graphics © 2000-2010 City Hall Records,San Rafael,CA - All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated: 02/07/25