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If you have some idea what you are looking for, the easy search or the full search will be the fastest.

Easy Searches

Try UPC or EAN, part of artist's name, words in album title, etc.

Full Search

This search function will try to match a single portion of a word, a word, or a phrase in each area below (spaces count!). It will return a list with the closest matches to what you asked for near the top of the page. The small green numbers by each title returned represent the closeness of the match - higher is better.

The list returned is limited to about 90 items, so you may need to be more specific if you get too many matches.

Example: "I'm looking for a jazz album. Joe somebody or other... Title was something about a horse, maybe. Seems like that was back in about 99 or maybe 98."
Put in 'joe' for artist. Type in 'horse' for the title. Also type in 'horse' for the description area - just in case memory is faulty. Type in 99 for the release date (street date). Select jazz. Now do the search. Try it! Look at the match numbers to see which results were closest.

Another Tip

Solo artist's names are listed last name first, like 'HACKETT, BOBBY'. They are also all in upper case. So a search with 'HACKETT, BOBBY' in the artist field will usually get you more accurate results than a search on 'Bobby Hackett'.

On the other hand, if you are looking for an artist that may be listed only as a sideman, their names are often listed in the 'Descriptive word or phrase' field in more the usual format 'Bobby Hackett' so a search in this field will have better results.
Usually one of these will be all you need:
Artist Name (Lastname, Firstname, or partial)
Title (full or partial)

Use these to narrow your search:
Street Date (1/01/2002 or just 2002)
Descriptive word or phrase
City Hall Catalog Number

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All text and graphics © 2000-2011City Hall Records,San Rafael,CA - All Rights Reserved - Last update: 28-Aug-2011